i thought we should start this off with dustin's gaming partner. they argue over who will wear the headset, and usually mona wins. how could you say no to her? she also loves "reading."
this is where we went to breakfast this morning. they specialize in southern breakfasts. it is called lois the pie queen.
so this is the original owner's son, chris. (lois's son). he runs the place now. that is the wall of fame behind him. digital underground is on there, the women's arm wrestling champ is up there, too. they got everybody up there.
this was dustin's breakfast, eggs, grits and fried chicken. he was loving it. i got grits, biscuits, and a pancake. after we had finished this feast, they brought us a slice of lemon ice box pie with whip cream. i could not put any more in, but dust was in heaven. you have no idea. it was great. and they were so nice in there. i think when people come to visit, you will eat there with us. i think dust is salivating just reading this.
not too long after we got here, our friend, andy, had a birthday. we like andy, and he enjoys most of the things we enjoy. so we went to Bevmo in search of cynar, the artichoke liquor, you 'member? then we saw this beacon, and our birthday plan changed. he is now the owner of a "das boot." this boot (and dustin's matching boot) are so good (and bad), but they make for a silly saturday night or two.
the boots hold 40 ozs of any liquid when filled to the "sock line." that is usually sufficient to get miracle baby and the ntac's rocking.
after it gets dark, the party has to move inside. (the other boy in the photo is one of andy's oldest friends, scott. we knew him in portland. he came to my work, and he would always come to our parties. he is a good guy. like andy, he is up for anything.) you will also note that melissa is staring longingly at the boots. we all were. you just can't help but want a freaking boot. i don't know what it is, but that boot... it lives on the top shelf of our dish cabinet--alone. if only we had a treasure case to display treasures like they do in museums. you know the glass cases with the light positioned just right so that you know you are looking at a real treasure. that is the kind of space this boot requires. so if you come across one of those at a yard sale (a glass case), pick it up for us. our boot has needs.
the new tiny house. it is yellow. you can see what was cannas, euphorbia, and some nice shrubs. there is a hummingbird who lives close and comes to get all the sweet, sweet nectar from our flowers. (which we still have.) it feels so far from fall here. it rained yesterday for a little while (the first real rain we have had since our arrival). but our palm trees are going strong, we do really have flowers, and i have only gotten the jacket out once. that was friday night. it is the month of dust. usually by this time i am arguing with myself on why we should or should not turn on the heater. it is nice to be here.
albee sometimes sleeps on my side of the bed when i am not in it. (mona sleeps on my side of the bed when i am in the bed). look how cozy and nice he looks. i like that even the little furry kitties are happy here.
this is our little kitchen. it would be unbearable if that sweet island did not come with the house. i think the kitchen serves it's purpose. and believe it or not, it has been put to use a few times already. we are hoping to make sure we cook more. we'll see. y'all know how we are.
holding it down. this is one picture we sent to all the grandparents. note that blue chair. it is about the most comfortable piece of furniture we have ever owned. we all love it. and the couch is brown. it does a good job of collecting albert hair, and without a vacuum, we lint roll the durn thing about every day. but i sleep really well on the couch, too. also we have a big window right in front of where dust is sitting. i like that. with all the sun, we can sit inside and take it all in.
this is the sideways view of me walking out of my school when we came for melissa and andy's wedding and took a tour. but that is where i go every day. even if it is not how i look now. you get the idea.
i found a boy who lives close to me who will drive me to school for half the price of the bart and bus, and i will get to leave 40 minutes later. i think i will like that more. wake up at 5:40 tomorrow instead of 5. it should make all the difference.
5:40! and that's the better option. good lord! And since you're west coast you don't even see the sunrise until 2 in the afternoon, right? that is rough. also, sorry about stealing your vacuum. I'm sure if you had it out there it would keep your couch hair free but rest assured that it is in good hands and we are finding it extremely useful in keeping the floors spotless and sucking crumbs and jam off of deedee's face.
i am not upset about the vacuum. the only thing we have to vacuum is the couch, and the tape-y tape stuff works good. we just have to do it. you know how lazy we are. and as long as it sucks the scruzz of that cute little deedee, alls good in my book.
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