Saturday, January 3, 2009

we need a top twenty

i just was looking over the blog, and in mid summer i made a top 20 list of things that had happened. now while this may have been boring for you then, being that most of you lived it right along with me, maybe this one will be better. we'll see what i can come up with. keep in mind they are in no important order. they are just as my tiny brain thinks them up.
1. i spent a good three weeks off with my honey. no school, no homework. he worked only a little. that is so nice.
2. claudia and i get to spend every waking moment of almost every saturday together.
(you guys jealous yet?)
3. my parents just came for a little visit. and dustin's parents will be here next weekend.
4. i am one quarter into my school year. three more to go this year, and we'll repeat the whole quarter (4) system two more times, and then i am done.
5. there is a fluevog store just a bart ride and a bus ride away. real fluevogs at my fingertips. if only i had the funds to supply my habit.
6. i have gained a few (2) pounds from all the amazing food out here. i could eat indian food every day. i could eat mexican food most days. i could eat dessert every day.
7. andy is one of the most fun rockers we have come in contact with, and he and melissa are very close by. we get to see them a lot. they are good friends to have, but we do miss our horsicopter rockers back in vt.
8. weather is tolerable here. it doesn't get below forty in the day. rain is nonexistent (until mid january). supposed to be 60's next week. it is january. this hasn't happened in years.
9. i like my school. i like what i get to learn. i like how big chiropractic could be. i had no idea (it turns out) what i was getting into.
10. pappamingo's. a sweet little frozen yogurt place. it is my dream come true. it tastes like real yogurt (with the texture of a creamy). delish!
11. i have some amazing people watching/shopping in my 16 square mile town. both are amazing. i could easily see why people chose to come here in droves. i am happy to not be one of the crazies that inhabit my town, but maybe i can aspire to be one--if i keep working.
12. san francisco (my favorite city in the us) is just a few bart stops away. more shopping and people watching and great food...need i say more
13. we get to have shea come visit us a few times a month. he makes every body's day. he is the easiest house guest i think i have ever had. he is equally comfortable with everyone, and that is nice. i only hope he really does move here. our band (miracle baby and the no talent ass clowns) could really use him. he bangs a mean drum.
14. forrest comes over a lot. i think we are good for him, and he makes us laugh. so we all win. he throws us parties at new year's and christmas. he is always accommodating, and up for a good time. i like it.
15. the i phone. i know this is a little frivolous thing and being as expensive as it is, but that little booger has saved my day. it has a maps function. it is like a gps because it shows where you are and how to go, and where traffic is. i pretty much love it. it is smarter than me, but i am glad it is on my side.
16. the kitties are pretty happy here. they like having a whole house to maintain and play in. our house has a big window in the front where they can watch birds. we have a resident humming bird who maintains our salvia. that makes them happy. i like that.
17. christmas and new year happened. i love christmas. we got a lot of good gifts. this is the first year in years that no gift of mine was returned. i even got two pairs of fluevogs, a pair of black boots, towels, j crew gift cert ( i already got hot pink corduroy pants), candy, purple socks with unicorns...the fabulous list goes on and on.
18. gin and tonics have been the drink of choice around here. we have enjoyed a few car bombs, but mostly just the ol' standby of a cold g and t. not so bad.
19. cupcake stores. now that i have a few to chose from, i can pick my cupcake by what frosting i am hungriest for, or what part of town i am in, or if i need big or little. all of my options are staggering, huh.
20. i baked a lot over the christmas break. pound cakes, chocolate cakes, gingerbread cookies, sugar cookies, dust made biscuits, my life is good. especially with the new speakers in the kitchen. ahhhhhh.
these are all the little things i am thankful for or have done recently. my life is good. i know your head is probably spinning with all the fun i get to have. hopefully you get to have that much fun in your life. shopping, eating, crazy people watching, rocking...see life is good. now let's all work to maintain such goodness.
xoxo to all
i love you and miss you all


Hott Mama said...

I think the reason I have gained 5 lbs to your 2 is that you "could" have dessert every day and I "do" have dessert every day. Sometimes twice. Most times thrice.

Which of you is the miracle baby? I wouldn't want to insult anyone by guessing...

princess cortney said...

miracle baby is andy. he was born prematurely, and weighed a measley two pounds. TWO POUNDS!! he is by all sense of the term a "miracle baby," as we are NTACs. as it should be.