Sunday, December 16, 2007

friends...who needs 'em?

we leave vermont tomorrow to head to dayton and then to arkansas for christmas. we have said goodbye to a lot of friends. that is hard. part of me wishes i did not have any friends because then it would be easier to come and go as i need to. but in reality, i am more thankful for my friends than i could ever tell them. at thanksgiving every year i try to think of what is the thing i am most thankful for every year. this year i thought i was thankful for my parents having enough money to make my dream wedding a reality without me going into debt. but now i know i am not most thankful for something as silly as money. i am most thankful for the need of that money. having so many friends who really want to spend not only that day, but also a few snowy days in december. it is nice. you guys really know how to make a princess feel grateful. i do hope to hurry back in a meager five months, but just know that i do thank you. each and everyone of you is hard to leave for reasons you may or may not know. you all make me a better person. thank you all for being the swift kick in the nuts to make my dreams come true. i hope i one day get to return the favor. you all have to promise not to forget about us. i know we are only going to be gone five months, but we are leaving some of our favorite people behind and that is really tough. so even though it is only five months, we will miss you for what seems like a lifetime.
love you

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