Friday, December 21, 2007

i've been every-where, man

so we made it to fayetteville, arkansas. thanks god. i wish i could say it was uneventful, but alas, it is always an adventure. so day one was ok. long, but ok. we went through pennsylvania in hopes of avoiding the weather in new york. pennsylvania is one long state. possibly longer than new york. but we made it to ohio at about 11:30 at night. dustin's ipod needed to be ripped apart a few times to clean out the dirt so a connection for the battery could be made. otherwise we could not play his ipod. also the station i have my fm transmitter tuned to was occupied by local radio stations. so for a small stretch we had no music. that was a long hour. :) day 2 we were tow hours north of where we usually get to on day one. so i was a little grumpier than usual. then right out side of indianapolis we got pulled over. (i was driving). turns out i was going 70 in a 55, and it is illegal to have a cat on your lap. who knew? but we didn't get a ticket, and actually, the cop was pretty quick to leave, and we couldn't find out why. then traffic came to a stand still. we started measuring how far we had moved in lengths we called "men." it took us two hours to go about two miles. so six foot lengths were appropriate. we were going crazy. but we made it to arkansas without tickets, and we were all unharmed. that is always the goal. we are making christmas cookies right now. so things are good. we have taken both of my parents out to lunch. (separate occasions, they do eat together, they just work separately). we finally got all of the christmas shopping done. also wrapped. so that makes it nice. other than that , things are realatively boring. just ask dust. we took a day off from eachother today. i think it was needed. so that is good. we got my parents hooked up to skype. look for them and feel free to call them. ( sallie and cliff langford). they would love it. today is my dad's last day of work before christmas and my mom's first day off. so i am loving it. it is nice to get to see my parents. i do love them. it is nice to not be cleaning out a house and moving and it is nice to not be driving more than 12 hours a day (we'll get more of that soon enough). we will see a few friends here, have christmas and be off on the 28th. yesh. i will have to remember how much i love a stationary life. only four years until we can stay put. man....maybe we just give this up now. traveling is rough, but we are half way through the country. so that helps. it is like a travel coupon. that is what is up with us. love you all.

1 comment:

RobCartelli said...

Glad to hear you guys made it to the AR without killing any cops this time. Sounds like it was close though, Congrats!