Monday, July 21, 2008

been a while

so here are the main points that have happened:
1. work.
2. ryan came for a visit. stayed a day longer than he planned. that was nice to have him here.
3. showed the batman begins on the big screen here at the house. fun night.
4. got manicures with one hott mama.
5. went to burlington with quinn. (later that week was featured with said q in a commercial for her work.)
6. played a lot of rock band. love that game.
7. think i have plantar fasciitis. it is where the bottom of your foot hurts really bad when your foot is straightened out (like standing on it) due to micro tears in the fascia (the part that holds muscle to skin). basically, ouch! especially when my job title is "standee".
8. saw batman first night. recommend.
9. saw hellboy II. also liked, but batman is better.
10. lost power here for 2+ hours and made weird passes at jimmy valente as dustin took away the only flashlight (what can i say, there was mood lighting.)
11. got tickets to california (september 3rd).
12. looking for a moving van.
13. dreamed about a new couch from ikea.
14. made a b in my online organic chem class. two words--summer and vacation come to mind.
15. started reading a new pink book. pink books have not been a part of my life since january. i say it is high time they got reintroduced.
16. lost a lot of sleep due to potential move and school and loans for said school.
17. tubed in the west river--twice. the first time no bruises. the second time, the water was lower and bruises appeared where my f-a had dragged itself into rocks. another ouch.
18. talked to parents, jamie and melissa recently. parents are redoing their yard, jamie had a birthday and melissa may have gotten a job. all three are reasons to celebrate--just in case you needed a reason.
19. the hott mama and her monstrous love may have actually bought a home. i am really excited for them.
20. kristin got married to kelvin. he is still in the d. r. and may be there for two years, but at least he can come here again one day.
these are the top 20 things that have happened. no order. just as i thought of them. if you have questions, or want more details on one, just let me know.


Hott Mama said...

Yay, Grandpa! He wins the bet, right?

Congrats on the B!

princess cortney said...

poppadaddy has always been a betting man. and he usually wins. i just wish he got something out of the deal. it was double or nothing. so now he gets nothing. maybe i will send a treat.