Saturday, March 1, 2008

i thought of sebastian yesterday...

yesterday (leap day) dust and i had our first organic strawberries of the season. now, i know sebastian can not eat strawberries unless they are organic (he gets a rash), so we bought them just for him. i could not wait to get home before i had to eat them. they were big and red. and they were sweet (not as sweet as walker farm's strawberries), but it was february and they were organic. (from san diego--so from our state!) this was just amazing to me. we could eat organic strawberries in late feb/early march? what is this world coming to? what have we been missing out on? what else was there that we could be enjoying in february that i thought had to wait until june? now, as you can tell i am not saying these berries were perfection. "sweet, and crunchy" dust called them. but i was happy for a nice "real berry alternative." at least until we get back to vermont and can eat our fill of REAL strawberries. until then, i will continue to eat these for you guys who are snowed under. sebastian, i loved your picture of you holding the pink gem. you look fabulous. if you don't know my favorite five year old, check out his blog :

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