Tuesday, March 25, 2008

today was a good day

sunny and chilly. but today was a good day/ i didn't have to use my a.k.
i used all my shopping points today. and boy howdy. how did i win. i went to crossroads, a secondhand store that sells high endish things. i got two pairs of pants and a pair of brown boots for $30. i found some pants for quinn, but i didn't get a hold of her in time to see if they would fit. then i went down to our shopping district (4th street). when quinn called, i talked to her for a while and then went to visit dust at work. he is so cute in his little yellow apron. i'll have to take the camera next time so you guys can see it.
so aside from shopping, what was so different, you may ask. well... it is simple really. things are finally getting finished. abby and glenn got the tax information, so we no longer have to worry about the taxes. thank you glenn. my school got my final (that i took 3/13) yesterday. so soon my organic chem class really will be done. thank you big brain and postal service. and i ordered a pocketbook from ebay today. thank you power seller. my dreams are coming true. now we only have to find a place to live and get tickets home. yesterday, i got next wednesday off of work to go to the baseball game. go sox. and then i quit (give two weeks notice) the running shoe job in two weeks. so things are finally wrapping up. i am happy too, because i was beginning to lose sleeop. i hope the living situation gets worked out soon. i don't mind paying two rents for april as long as i know we will have a place that will have both us and the kitties. then dust can work to his heart's content and me too. so we will be home within a month. we just have to talk to the manix's about when is a good time to pick us up in boston. thanks to hilary, we found super cheap tix, but only to boston. so stop worrying about me. i am gonna make it. and i look good, too. new boots and pants and all. :) well, i must go, i have to pick up dust from work. i have already cleaned the house, folded the laundry, and started our pizza dinner. man, i am productive. love to all. and when dust gets home i will have him take pictures of all my nice new stuff. get ready!

1 comment:

q said...

i'm proud of you cutie. i am so excited to see yall i could cry!