Tuesday, February 5, 2008

this one's for quinn

now i will admit that it has been a loooooong time since i lived in the city. but i have always fancied myself as fashionable. WRONG. moving to the bay area has shown me that my style is not only haggard, but also cheap. usually i like the cheap aspect. i like to get clothes off of ebay. but here, that is just not enough. i have yet to find some outfit or accessory that was not at least 98$. the only bargains i have seen have been in trader joe's, the cheap, but good grocery store. also skinny jeans seem to have taken over the bay area. all colors of skinny jeans and all sizes (not so good) and on males and females. also the fresh prince colored hoodies (think neon prints), as have hoodies that zip Over the face and have mesh eye coverings. these hoodies are usually printed with a skeleton or spiderman or chainsaw yielding jason. i am always amazed when i see the kids in these things. amazed mostly to see who actually buys them, but still...
all of those flowing shirts have almost been replaced with fitting shirts and little sweaters. also knee high boots and skirts. boots in black or brown--just not too shiney. now i priced these boots in dsw in san fran--any place called a warehouse should be assumed discount as well--WRONG again. these boots were cute and pricey. 200-500$. also heels--not as big in the city if you are planning on walking. so most places also sell a lot of flats. you would think the flats would be cheaper than heels--nope. but flats are huge here. these people would laugh at the vermont fashion. no carharts have been seen here. also no real flannel shirts. so vermonters--it is time to step it up. so we don't look like vermonters when we go out of the state.
i put my foot down on the skinny jeans. i just don't think that is a look that needs supporting. but i could try the skirts with boots (given that i could find boots under 50$). sweaters, i am not opposed to. and i love fitted shirts. i am hoping this signals the end of the drapery/maternity wear that has flooded stores for so long as i do not think it is a good look for anyone under the size 22-- or non maternity. oh yes, pea coats--invest in pea coats--all the rage. and if your jeans are not designer, (and/or skinny) don't wear them. wear pants. i know it is crazy, but the bay area has no "dress jeans". also they dress up more for a saturday afternoon than we do for a month of nights going out combined.
one other funny thing--i saw a boy in keds on the bart the other day. no, he wasn't gay--he was some sort of wanksta. i thought it was hilarious.
i do see alot of designer handbags here. all over the place--coach, gucci, hobo--on people you would not expect to have a designer bag. i even thought about making a purchase of one instead of my dream shoes. a "cheap" hobo bag is only 98$. and it could be my "treat" for finishing organic chemistry. but then i thought, what kind of treat do i think i deserve? if we lived here full time, i think i could make us broke as jokes in no time. but we would look good.


Anonymous said...

thanks for thinking of me, i hope you know that you are cute as a button whatever handbag you wear!

Hilary said...

You need to check out the store buffalo exchange and crossroads. Two great cheap stores. Probably have boots under 50.