Tuesday, February 5, 2008

you take the good, you take the bad

so as the coverage of super tuesday was winding down here in the state that now calls themselves "the prize", i was happy to see my girl was winning. i grew up, my mom managing a law firm in little rock, and hillary was a lawyer at a rival firm (one that my aunt ended up working at). only one time of year did all the rivals come together--the christmas party. now i was stuck with the kids at these parties, so i only heard the gossip as people were coming to get their kids and what not. but one thing that was ingrained in all of us was that hillary was called the ice princess. they said she had no personality, and was hideous (really ugly--not personality wise--side note: she is the only arkansas first lady to have her portrait painted from behind--true story). but they also dreaded coming up against her in the court room. they said she was a fierce competitor and they said she was smart. now i take in to account that i was young, but i still believe all of these things. ice princess, fierce, smart. these things are important to me because our country has been run into the ground by stupidity for 8 years. we need someone who doesn't care what others think of them (her), and is willing to fight hard for us, and do so with intelligence instead of a gun. so this princess supports every princess, regarless of their domain. ice--y palaces or my own sunny shores. i believe there are no smarter candidates out there. don't get me wrong, i like obama, and i would vote a clinton--obama ticket in a heart beat (regardless of what chris rock says about a black man being elected vp). i think that would be smart. and in 8 years, i would not hesitate to vote for obama to be my president.
but while california was coming in for hillary, and she was winning so many delegates in so many big states (obama campers take stock in the fact your candidate won not only more states, but also most of these little states are battle ground states), dust was on the computer checking more delegate info for me (as i watched KRON 4-the local news). we learned that six--count them six--tornadoes had struck arkansas, tennessee, and kentucky killing 22 people. i assumed it was eastern arkansas (a less populated area)where the tornado hit, but no. it was in a town that near where my aunt lives. it also said that horses were involved (statistics we never get--the animals hurt or killed). so reading about these two horses that wouldn't look up until light was in their eyes--they only "whined in distress" until that point. it just sounded so sad. so while i was so happy that my home state had gone to my girl (and my evil nemisis, mike huckabee never to be mentioned again), i was really sad to hear that people had died, and people were being searched for. i know people from this town from my tri delta days. and i remember when this same thing happened when i was in college in a town called arkadelphia (the town was destroyed to the point where the national guard was called in to guard from looting and disney offered to buy the town to rebuild it for movie sets...it was crazy). but it all just struck a terrible cord. so i feel alittle sad right now. and worried for the people in atkins. i hope they will be ok, and i hope it will be a big news story, and not overshadowed by "super" tuesday. i guess the word "super" can take on a lot of meanings, too--eh?

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