Saturday, February 9, 2008


we are at melissa and andy's house in blue lake, california. they have a wii. so in honor of the paquette's we decided to take the wii fitness test as often as possible. the first time i took it i was 36. i was pumped. everyone else was in their 50's at least. i was so proud. then the next morning, i was 80. and at night 52. so i am convinced i am a night person, and not meant for morning competition. we have been here since thursday, and they have convinced us to stay until monday. we are also trying to get them to come down to our area next weekend because they have to get to know claudia. that way we all have friends. it is good. either way we have to leave by monday. dust is having trouble sleeping on an air mattress, and the kitties are getting tired of being in one room. oh. i should tell you too, on the way here, albert got car sick that was pretty bad. we were weaving through the red woods to get here and he was crying. it made me feel so bad. but we got that cleaned up.
also today we rented a game for the wii, wario smooth moves. seriously, you (paquette's) must play this game. rent it. then you will want to buy it. it is the best. in fact, it is almost my turn so i should go.

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