Thursday, February 14, 2008

we got claudia

for valentine's day some people get flowers or candy, but everyone who knows us, knows how unconventional we are. we got claudia for valentine's day, and we couldn't be happier.

today we went wine tasting up in my brother's area. it was a lot of fun, but i don't think i need anymore wine for a while.

our first stop was meredith's work (ben's wife), envy. there we learned that wine tastes better if you hold your pinky out from the glass.

the second winery had a lot of plastic ducks outside, but the wine was good and they fed us. so we liked them most of all.

no wine tour would be complete without stopping at clos pegase because that is where my brother works. here we have the girls at his winery:

and ben, too.

it was a fun day. and we made it to our fabulous dinner at tayor's refresher. nothing like a hamburger and shake for a great valentine's meal. we were all very happy on the way home.


Hott Mama said...


I was hoping for a Claudia...

oh well. Maybe next year.

Crispin H. Glover said...

Well maybe if someone would drop a goddam hint once in a while you could have had a Claudia but noooo it's all "I don't need anything for valentine's day" so I get her nothing and does she thank for me getting her exactly what she asked for? I said, does she thank me? You know the answer as well as I. A Claudia?!? What am I, an F-ing mindreader?