well, it was an average day. so far. i woke up, checked the email. looking for my grade, i realized i finally had a response from my teacher--i "squeaked by" with a 70% in my online organic chemistry class. evidently, this much work earns you a 70%:
he actually said "squeaked by." that's not too nice. maybe he is a joker, but i would never know because i never heard from him. but alas the class is really done, and all along i said i only wanted a C. i guess i just expected more. maybe in round two. and i am not really upset. i just feel like i did more work than a 70. but that is all i needed. so squeaking by is not so bad.
awww. one day you'll be done with all this silly chemistry!
Hey, a C is passing. What did I hear a week or so ago -- I hope I pass. Guess what? You did and it is enough. Yes, you smarter than that. Yes, you did work harder than that, but...You passed. Take your credit and move on. Let's celebrate and not bemoan the C. Some of us think being average is acceptable.
i like the brain on you, it is super hot and not "squeaky"
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