Tuesday, April 29, 2008

tennis anyone?

today, though not even noon, has already been productive. we got up a little early. it has been warm here so i decided to wear my new pink dress. i look good.

some of you may know that today is the day that grand theft auto IV comes out. dust was pumped. he jokingly suggested that we go to one of the stores that was having a midnight sale. when i agreed, he said no. so we waited. we got to the store by 10 am. we then got him his required jamba juice. he loves that stuff. then we got a big box for the guitar hero stuff to be mailed home. it will be on it's way soon. i found a vet in putney that sells the kitties new diet food. and i am going toy shopping for two little boys today. i am excited about that. i hope they like surprises because i sure don't have an idea what to get them, but i can't wait to have a looksie. it is dustin's last day of work. i think he would stay home just to play this new game, but it is not so hard to work he says. so he is playing the game now. i think he likes it.
when i get back from the toy shopping, i will try to finish another chemistry before we pack up the computer. we may be out of commission tomorrow, and for sure while we are traveling thursday. so we will catch up with all of you soon. be pumped....for once!
(see dust "reading" in the background?) i love that guy.

1 comment:

Sweet Melissa said...

I miss you guys, already! You tell Dust that he should let Andy borrow that "book" when he is finished with it. You know how they like to read the same stuff.