Sunday, April 20, 2008

oh yes!

i almost forgot, i got another 100% on quiz 2. we'll see if we can get a turkey. that would pad the chem grade. also i bought a new "california approved" winter coat. it is no where near warm enough for vermont, so it will stay here for the summer. but i will describe it so you guys get a feel for it. it is a white, wool pea coat. single breasted and knee length. it will look nice with dressy clothes and fancy with jeans. i pretty much love it. when we first got here, they were way too expensive. but seasons change and with that, prices go down. and now that i am working, and it was 75% off. so i got it. when dust gets home, i will try to take a photo. you guys will love it. and happy birthday again to kristin, quinn and jack.

1 comment:

Sweet Melissa said...

You are the most fashionable genius I know!