Thursday, January 31, 2008

crazy blog machine

here is a picture of the herb garden i made today. when i went to add a picture in the last blog, i must have hit return instead of something else because it published the blog. i didn't even get to do spell check or re-read it to be sure that it wasn't in cortnese. so i'm sorry if it makes no sense. here are the main points:
1. i made an herb garden.
2. dust had an eye appointment.
he is fine and new contacts are on the way. now he will be able to see how ravashing i am.
3. our neighbors are loud at 6 in the morning.
here is the organic chemistry i have been learning. with the books i got when i registered for the class, came what amounts to a lego set to build various models of molecules. BORING! only a few chapters have required actual building, but today's lesson required a little bit of detective work. the book did a horible job explaing why some molecules are oriented certain ways when others are not. BORING! so i inspector gadgeted my way through the chapter building various molecules to try and find some commonality. and viola. i did. so now i can answer the questions at the end of the chapter and move on. i am a success. maybe tonight i wll get some sleep since i won't have organic chemistry to worry about.

the princess needs her rest because tomorrow is a big day. dust and i get to go visit my brother, his wife and baby emma. and melissa and andy are coming down for the weekend tomorrow night. so see, big day.

**sorry for typos and misspelled words. i keep hitting that button, and it won't spell check the durn thing.

1 comment:

Hott Mama said...

It's probably for the best that the set isn't made of gumdrops and toothpicks or the only commonality you would have found was in tastiness.