Monday, January 7, 2008

new digs

i just realized that if you don't have skype, you have not seen where we live. should be self explanatory. here we go:

both ends of the living room. note: tv in fireplace, little blue "oven", and pink sofa next to yellow velvet chair. really lovely. the pile is gone now because we found homes for things, and they are now put away.

if i would have turned around in the picture i am in, i would have headed through the hallway straight into the peachish orange bathroom. we got a bright yellow mat for just outside the little shower with the blue curtain. it is colorful and nice. but the walls make you look orange. it is a little strange. :)just past the little blue stove, you see a doorway. it goes to this little stuffed kitchen. there look to be many cupboards, but they are all FULL of random cooking things. like 10 aluminum pie plates and other useless crap. but there is enough to make due. and i am glad we didn't bring any kitchen stuff because there would be no room for it in here. the last room is the bed room. it is just down from the bathroom. we got a new bedspread and comforter that has purple and green and orange stripes. i love it. also we made those drawers on the right. thank you ikea for wordless directions. nobody reads those anyway. there is plenty of closet space in here because we didn't bring all of our clothes. good we got all those free ikea hangers out of the trash. classy.

this is our amazing little apt from the parking lot/ driveway. now we don't ave a space in the parking lot, so we park just outside the gate. we can see our car from the window upstairs. we are the top apartment. long live TOP TIER!!!
so that is where we live. i hope you like the mini tour. it took longer to read than it would to walk around it, but at least now you will know where we are. hugs and kisses.


Hott Mama said...

I think you stole our new shower curtain before we even bought ours. Are you magic?

princess cortney said...

yes i am magic. really it came with the house. so i think you stole ours. creepy!