Friday, January 4, 2008

to our friend, ron, the potter

sorry rob, i just had to dedicate this one to you. we heard about your show. only that they called you ron. i think that makes you ronaldo. pretty cool. but i can just picture quinn being pissed that her honey is named ron. it makes me laugh.

today was a crazy day. it rained alot and the wind was blowing all crazy like. it sounded sorta crazy outside. and in the night, our power kept going out. we could tell because the only heat we need comes from two space heaters. i insist on keeping one on at night in the room. dust is good and lets this happen. : ) anyway. it kept going on and off throughout the night.

when we woke up, the power was out. it did not come back on until after 6pm. we had to leave in the day because i was going a little crazy. so we went and did a little laundry. we used the charged computer to watch another episode of band of brothers. and then we succommed. we laid down with the kitties (after having done nothing to warrant a nap). ten or so minutes later , the power was back on. see, ron, things aren't so bad. :) you got power.

on the up side, we got the makings for stir fry. so that is our big plan. also, dust resized the pictures. so the promised hike is up before this. enjoy. love to all.

and claudia-- i already had your birthday on the calendar. and you get bonus points for being the first one to purchase tickets to come see us. let that be a lesson to the rest of you'ns. we miss you all, but claudia is our favorite. :)
the princess

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