a.) what a good song it is
b.) you don't hear that song playing enough out random car windows. (especially in vt)
c.) what a good blog title it would make (dustin pointed that out).
so now we're stuck with it. i told you guys about the brother visit. nothing has really happened since then.
i cut my finger really badly and blood would not stop coming. so we put a band aid on it. blood dripped down the bottom. when i went to the sink to turn the finger upside down to try and stop the blood coming out the bottom, it just poured out the top. like it just sits nicely on top of the finger in the nice ring of band aid up there until someone comes and dumps it out. so anyway. dust got me all fixed up with a cotton ball to absorb the leaky blood and a band aid to
melissa was going to come for a visit. but her car died. really died. she had to have it towed away to the car graveyard. so no visit just yet. she says they will have a new car in a few weeks and then there will be no stopping getting her here. that makes me happy.
we realized that we had met no one so last night we went on a quest to meet people. at least be seen in town. and it was friday night... so we went to this bar called the missouri. it was a dive bar, but clean. and we did talk to a few people. so mission accomplished . we came home not out too much money and happy. now none of these people even know our name, but it is just nice to know that if we want to, we CAN go out and talk to people. on the walk home we got a piece of cake at the coffee shop across the street from our house. and it was in the top seven of my best chocolate cake pieces i ever bought. it was so good. so we had a nice night. it was like a little date.
today we took the BART ( thanks hillary) to san fran. now we just stayed in the market district. it was nice, th
tomorrow we go (before 8 am) to see shea and possibly adriana in sacremento. we will meet at a breakfast place and then see the town. it will be nice to see them. so i will have more news soon.
miss you all.
It's nice that you're starting to add the second half of the "see and be seen" equation. You will soon be the talk of the town if not the toast.
you are good to us, gamera.
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